Saturday, August 4, 2007

Japanese Temple Complex

Our first Japanese outting was to a place called Akasaka. It it huge temple complex. Kind of intersting....

First Day of School

First Day of school 2007
The kids have probably more that 60 people at their bus stop.
First day of school, I stayed at school for a little while with Tara Grace in reading corner. She warmed up pretty quickly.

Moving in

Preston and Jacob helping Dad put together some shelves for our storage room

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Our Home in Tokyo

This is the first view the kids had of our new house. They call it "the swimming pool house" not because we have a pool, no, no, but because of the tiny white tiles that cover the house. They say it looks like the tile from a swimming pool (I guess that is better than if they called it the bathroom house....same tiles!!)

Moving to Tokyo

My sweet friend Cindy made these great travel books for each of the kids. It was fun for them to open their backpacks and find things to snack on and entertain them for the next 14 hours.

The kids pushing the luggage carts through the Atlanta Airport.

After a great summer we packed up ourselves and moved to Tokyo, Japan. The kids enjoyed the ride in the limo to the airport. There was hardly enough room for us once we put the luggage in the car.